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2023-36648 Surprise Insider

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Locomotives in the typical bright red of the German DB, Inc. are nice to see on the rails, no question about it. But very colorful, well-designed engines are beautiful and attract a lot of attention. There are many of them on the rails of Europe, but none attracts more attention to curious viewers with such wide eyes. The locomotive is a class 185.2. More precisely, it is road number 185 367, which was presented at the Nürnberg DB Museum on September 20, 2019. This unique rail vehicle bears the name "Günni Freight Train". It has been pulling freight trains in Germany and Austria and attracting the photo community to rail lines. The locomotive from the TRAXX family has become the mascot of DB Cargo. But who is "Günni" anyway? He is a one of seven children’s characters of the "Little ICE" family of the DB, Inc.’s children’s marketing unit. He is in good company alongside "Robbi Regio," "Ida IC" and "Opa Adler," to name but a few, but "Günni Güterzug" can be purchased as a play figure on board the ICE and IC trains. Since his exceedingly colorful design was so well accepted, the idea soon matured into the notion of bringing "Günni" to life, so to speak, on a real freight locomotive. "Günni" is now in service with a wonderfully whimsical design. In September 2019, road number 185 367 was transformed step by step from a completely normal train of the German DB freight service into the colorful "Günni" with the distinctive motto: "No matter how well you run - Günni runs freight!" This slogan is written on the locomotive body of this 5,600 kilowatt / 7,506 horsepower unit. What else do we know about "Günni?" Well, we know he prefers to roll through the country with a long line of colorful container cars. What he likes least is having to run alone or with only a few cars. The model railroader will feel this as well. Fortunately, Märklin offers a wide selection of cars for this locomotive. There are many great models for Era VI, from container cars to tank cars. Along with these cars, the model will be exclusively for Märklin Insider and Trix Club members. We also know "Günni" will be an eye-catcher when only on display.